My family has hair issues. We always have. My Mother will tell you we got it from her Mother and I am sure the blame would go up the family tree from there but the fact remains we are serious about our do's.
When I was in the 5th grade I got a "Dorothy Hamill" hair cut. She was an ice skater in the 1976 olympics and her short hair cut was all the rage.
She looked sassy and cute and when she did her triple axel it was as if her hair followed her movement perfectly and landed right back into place as gracefully as she did.
The problem with my having a Dorothy Hamill is that not only was I not graceful, I was neither sassy nor cute. I just looked like a boy.
The complex comes from an unfortunate event that took place at the neighborhood Naugles restaurant now Del Taco on Riverside Dr. I was just being polite and respectful when I held the door open for an older couple as they were leaving. My Mother had always taught us to open doors and give up our seats to adults, especially older ones so I was just doing what comes naturally. Then it happened. The complex forming event... As the lady crossed over the threshold she turned toward me and said "What a nice young gentleman, holding the door for us". I looked at her and said "I'm a girl" but she kept walking out.
Now this was in 1977ish, and the lady did grow up in the 40's/50's-ish right? So I am thinking that only men and boys held doors in her era and though bras had been burned by '77, she was still living in the past and really she just assumed I was a boy due to the door holding...right?
That's what I thought until last week when after coming from a hair appointment where I went a little shorter and a little darker a box boy at Stater's brought it all back to me..."would you like paper or plastic sir". Yep, he called me sir. When I turned toward him and gave him a look of disbelief, he literally jumped backward, eyes bulging and yelled " Ma'am, I mean Ma'am". Didn't even pretend that he meant ma'am but said sir like he does it all the time. No he jumped and he yelled. What makes it worse it that I really can't explain it away like on a Thursday at 11:00 am tons of men are at the grocery store. No men in sight....he really thought I was a sir.
Sorry, but that story is truly quite funny. And I say that with love. No hatin' here.
Posted by: Jessc | October 30, 2008 at 01:09 AM