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October 08, 2008


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Oh Lori, how I need you as my BFF. PLEASE??? At least consider it. I'm pretty flaky but I make a mean pumpkin scone.


I love you! you crack me up :)

El Presidente

You can wear a bucket on your head and be as sexy as all get out to me!

Is this an adult only blog?

Nicole Bryant

You are too funny! :)


i'll fight brandi for you.. i swear! i am crying.... the boys are watching star wars and asking me what i am laughing at.. how do i explain this? and amanda... she just has a way of caring for people, even their underoo needs, like none other.

Debbie J

Ok, I think I've got it! You are the new Irma Bombeck but of course you are way cuter and younger. You are too funny and you should write a book; or do stand up. You make me laugh way too hard. How come I am not funny? I am not even witty. I am trying to figure out which side you got it from. LOL! Keep making us laugh! Love ya!


Lori, You make us laugh here in Thailand too. I agree with Deb! You are the new Irma Bombeck and I am old enough to have read all her stuff. I am going to read the more of your blog now.

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